Mike Saul has promised an update to this list as it is from the old website but please feel free to contact Mike Saul and he will be able to resolve any issuees regarding spares and replacement parts for a Vortex.


All Vortex spares are now available from Mike Saul / MSDS Most spares available from stock. Main Sails and Spinnakers

Asymmetric spin kit £1,400.00

Top cover £168.00

Undercover £175.00




All associated fittings, including;

Mast heel ( white bit ) £7.50

Mast heel £29.00 ( Metal fitting on base of mast.)

Foil end cap £7.50

Rudder pin £8.50

2.1m carbon tiler extension £110.00

Trapeze wire (inc handle) £11.50

Shroud £12.00

Rudder stock and tiller £125.00

Main halyard £26.00

Aluminium Foil £75.00 (Dagger Board)

Foil end cap £7.50

Replacement trolley cradle £115.00

Spinnaker sock £75.00

Gel Coat repair kits

Ropes and general fittings

Prices correct at time of publication, please contact MSDS to confirm or for further information

Please contact Mike Saul directly

Northern RS agent 48 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite, Nr Harrogate ,N.Yorks HG3 2EG tel 01423 771821 fax 01423 770109 mob 07811 005160

email ; :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

VAT reg 801458844


New Vortexes and Upgrades available from Mike Saul Dinghy Services

(Prices correct at time of publication, please contact MSDS for confirmation or further information)

For Spare parts and pricing


Standard Vortex £8,235

Fitted out hull, aluminium spars/foils, trolley, mainsail

Asymmetric Vortex £9,635

Fitted out hull, aluminium spars/foils, trolley, mainsail, asymmetric

Carbon Vortex £10,785

Fitted out hull, carbon spars, composite foils, trolley, mainsail, asymmetric

Road trailer ; £588

Top cover ; £170

Under cover ; £175


Want to Upgrade your current Vortex?

MSDS offers upgrade options to turbocharge your Vortex. Only upgrades sold by MSDS are class rules approved and legal for use at Vortex Class Events

Bare hull ; £4,504

Carbon spars ; £1,974

Composite foils (pack of 3) £500



Please contact Mike Saul directly

Northern RS agent 48 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite Nr Harrogate N.Yorks HG3 2EG tel 01423 771821 fax 01423 770109 mob 07811 005160 email ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

VAT reg 801458844